
This is an overview of current research projects on ancient fables.

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General Projects on Ancient FablesResearcher(s)
Continuing development and promotion of the Carlson Fable Collection at Creighton University
(see Links)
Carlson, Rev. Gregory I., S.J.
Edition of ancient fabulists with a Portuguese translationFerreira, Nelson Henrique S.
The interaction between fable and other minor genres (epigram and novel), with particular reference to the relationship between Phaedrus, Apuleius and Ausonius.Mattiacci, Silvia
The Interaction of Verse Fables and EpigramNeger, Margot
Boundaries and relationships between humans and animals in ancient fable collections (Phaedrus, Babrios, Avianus)Schmalzgruber, Hedwig
Ancient Fable Tradition and Early Christian LiteratureZimmermann, Ruben; Strong, Justin
Projects on AesopusResearcher(s)
Anthology of Aesopica (with translation and commentary)Lefkowitz, Jeremy
Aesopic CorpusZafiropoulos, Christos
The figure of Aesop and the Aesopic fables in PlutarchStergiou, Gianna
Projects on AvianusResearcher(s)
Study on the Processing of Pre-Texts in Avianus’ FablesMehner, Adrian
Interpretative Commentary on AvianusPoms, Christopher
(New) Critical Edition of AvianusZago, Giovanni
Projects on BabriusResearcher(s)
Aesthetics of the arrangements of Babrius’ MythiambiBottini, Vittorio
Monography on BabriusPertsinidis, Sonia
Publication of an Egyptian ostracon with a Greek fable of BabriusSchmitz, Philip
Interpretative Commentary on BabriusSpielhofer, Lukas
Babrius and the New TestamentZimmermann, Ruben
Projects on PhaedrusResearcher(s)
Interpretative Commentary on PhaedrusGärtner, Ursula
(New) Critical Edition of Phaedrus with translation and commentaryMordeglia, Caterina
Projects on RomulusResearcher(s)
Il Romulus Gallicanus: Testo, Traduzione e CommentoMartorana, Simona
Projects on other authors/fablesResearcher(s)
Hesiod, fables in early Greek and Near Eastern literaturesCurrie, Bruno
Storytelling in Greek in Norman Sicily. Connections within a multilingual literary environmentGuido, Alessandra
Fables as a medium to gain further insight into non-elite norms and values in the archaic and classical Greek worldMcHugh, Maeve
Function and tradition of fables in HoraceReith, Manuel
The Byzantine fables (Tetrasticha) by Ignatios the Deacon based on Babrius’ fables (edition and translation)Scognamiglio, Federica
Projects related to fablesResearchers
Traditional animal imagery and abstract languageFerreira, Nelson Henrique S.
Linguistic study of the Syntipas-NovelHinterberger, Martin
The Trojan Horse and Other Stories: Ten Ancient Creatures that Make us Human (Monograph)Kindt, Julia
MAPPOLA – Mapping out the Poetic Landscape(s) of the Roman EmpireKruschwitz, Peter
Ordering Principles in Aelian’s and other ancient miscellaniesMüller, Hendrik
Shorter Poems in Prose Contexts: from the Roman Republic to Late AntiquityNeger, Margot
Folklore in Antiquity and its communicative aspectPotamiti, Anna
Projects on didactics/cooperation with schoolsResearcher(s)
The Digital Schoolbook ( Pacheco, Carlos Diego
Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln (see Links)Gärtner, Ursula; Spielhofer, Lukas; Lang, Sarah; Poms, Christopher